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X-Cite: Training and Employability Gateway for Youth

New Hope Global has partnered with Ashiana Community Project that is part of a consortium of other organisations.  The project is funded by European Social Fund to support young people who are unemployed or economically inactive and are aged between 15 to 29 years of age back into training, employment, or education across Birmingham.


This project is part-financed by the European Union through the European Social Fund (ESF) under the Youth Employment Initiative.

The project aims to provide one-to-one support to young people to develop skills, gain qualifications, and build confidence to help individuals progress onto training, employment, or further learning.


We can offer information, support and access to accredited and informal training courses, Language courses, basic skills, digital skills qualifications, offer work experience/placements, as well as voluntary opportunities.  We can help with CV preparation, interview skills, confidence building, advice on benefit entitlements enabling young people to be ready for the labour market.


We aim to help present prospective candidates, as the perfect candidate for potential employers. Having networked with local employers, we have access to job opportunities; we can also provide support to develop your business plan if you are considering self-employment.

We have access to a range of activities to support physical health and mental well-being


If you would like any further information about the initiative contact us via –


Telephone:    0121-455-8144

Mobile:          0759-159-8340

Facebook:     @NhglobalUK

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Call us:

0121 455 8144

Find us: 

2nd Floor (Above Birchfield Library)

3 Trinity Road, Aston,  

Birmingham, B6 6AH

© 2021 New Hope Global

Charity Number :    1158626

Companies House : 08913178


Web Design & Maintenance by:   Samsul Arefin

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